by Sloan Ramirez | Nov 22, 2023 | Housing, Just Say Yes, Learn
By Kate D., Senior Manager of Housing Programs | Calgary Drop-In Centre We are in the middle of a housing crisis and housing inequity is increasing. We are sounding alarms, showing up at City Hall, writing letters to all levels of government, and yet we are still...
by Sloan Ramirez | Nov 10, 2023 | DI Staff, Free Goods Program, Learn, Volunteers
By Cindy N., Manager, Fund Development & Community Engagement | Calgary Drop-In Centre World Kindness Day is celebrated on November 13th as a reminder of the incredible power of empathy, compassion, and the willingness to give back to make the world a better...
by Sloan Ramirez | Nov 7, 2023 | DI Staff, Housing, Just Say Yes, Learn, News
By Inam T., Policy & Advocacy Specialist Calgary Drop-In Centre At the Calgary Drop-In Centre (DI) we see the impact of the housing crisis every day. We provide emergency shelter and support services to people experiencing homelessness in Calgary and believe...
by Sloan Ramirez | Oct 24, 2023 | DI Staff, Free Goods Program, Learn, News
By Chris K., Supervisor, Free Goods | Calgary Drop-In Centre Colin’s warm welcome to the Donation Centre made me certain I was in the right place. Myself, and many of my hospitality industry colleagues had been hard hit by the pandemic, and for the first time, I...
by Sloan Ramirez | Aug 31, 2023 | Addictions Support, DI Staff, Learn, News
Drug addict. Junkie. Crackhead. Drunk. These are all words we have heard used to describe those who use substances. Addiction is a complex and multifaceted issue that affects millions of people worldwide. At the DI as of July 2023, we have already surpassed the number...
by Sloan Ramirez | Aug 29, 2023 | DI Staff, Housing, Learn, News
By Inam Teja, Policy & Advocacy Specialist Calgary Drop-In Centre At the Calgary Drop-In Centre, we’re not just focused on making our guests’ stays in shelter better, we’re focused on making those stays shorter. Since 2017, the DI has housed 2,343 people and...