Housing Support
Everyone deserves a place to call home.
Between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024:

394 people housed

244 people avoided homelessness with early intervention
We focus on independent and permanent housing solutions as the main pathway to exiting homelessness. It demands that housing and housing supports are in reach for every individual that comes to the DI, regardless of history or circumstance. Our housing team works with many different resources to secure long-term housing solutions that are right for the individual.
Who is served? Those experiencing homelessness for the first time or returning to shelter after six months or more.
What services are provided? Heavy engagement within the first 21 days to ensure stay in shelter as short as possible. Support with other housing opportunities as needed, including relocation to natural supports or referrals to other shelters that can better meet their needs (sobriety, domestic violence, etc.)
For inquiries, contact diversion@thedi.ca
Community Case Management
Who is served? Those exiting shelter and transitioning into the community.
What services are offered? Coordination with community housing partners to support residents in maintaining the most independent living possible through community integration and life skills support (i.e., budgeting, rental education, connection with health care providers, etc.)
What are the referral requirements? Referrals through internal DI Housing, housing partners, and community organizations.
For inquiries, contact communitycasemanagement@thedi.ca
Scattered Site Housing
Who is served? Existing participants Housing First Program, funded by Calgary Homeless Foundation.
What services are offered? Subsidized rent for independent housing throughout the city, in partnership with Calgary Homeless Foundation, with support from Case Management.
What are the referral requirements? Referral from Calgary Homeless Foundation required.
For inquiries, contact Calgary Homeless Foundation
DI Affordable Housing
Who is served? Those currently staying in shelter and transitioning into housing.
What services are offered? Subsidized rent and Case Management support for mixed market buildings (housing for both community tenants and those exiting homelessness).
What are the referral requirements? Referrals through internal DI Housing only.
For inquiries, email DIHousing@thedi.ca
Housing Support
Who is served? Based out of the shelter, this team works with all shelter guests for diverse case loads (low-mid-high acuity) and rely on self-referrals through our on-site housing hub and direct referrals from shelter staff.
What services are offered? Provides support with rental searches, subsidized housing applications and referrals through Coordinated Access. The main goal is to find safe, affordable and sustainable housing that meets the needs of our guests.
Additional Housing Supports
Victim Services
Who is served? Supports victims of crime with no fixed address who are currently staying at the DI.
What services are offered? Court support, assistance with applying for financial benefits, and help navigating the justice system.
What are the referral requirements? None For inquiries, contact victimservices@thedi.ca
Additional Housing Resources
Tenant Resources
Learn more about what it means to become and be a tenant in your rented home. What are your responsibilities? What are your rights? How do you make a great first impression, and how do you keep a strong relationship with your landlord? If you have specific questions, please speak to your case manager. Click here to learn more.
Landlord Resources
Acting as liaisons for our client population who are looking for their new home, we get a lot of questions about renting to folks exiting homelessness. We’ve put together some vital resources to help answer your questions. If you would like to join our growing community of “landlords committed to ending homelessness,” please get in touch with us at landlords@thedi.ca. Click here to learn more.