Celebrating the Calgary Drop-In Centre’s 60th Anniversary — Final Video Posted
September 8, 2021

For six decades the DI has strived to help Calgary’s vulnerable, but what that help looks like has evolved over the years. What originally started as a place for lunch, coffee, and company has grown into something far bigger. We now work with Calgarians to find permanent housing solutions that fit their circumstances, whatever those might be.
You can learn more by watching the first of our anniversary video series here:
Episode #1: The History of the Calgary Drop-In Centre
First registered as a charity in April 1961, the DI began as an overnight shelter, providing beds to anyone in need. Since then, the DI has expanded beyond one building and now act as a re-entry point to housing. We provide essential care as well as health services and housing supports to help Calgarians find their way to a new home.
Episode #2: 60 Years of Emergency Shelter
We asked staff and clients, what does a meal mean to you? In the words of Cindy M., who runs the kitchen at the DI, a meal means comfort and being cared about. Cindy, who once experienced housing instability herself, has made millions of meals over 16 years in the DI Kitchen.
This year, the DI Kitchen served 592,384 meals, because Calgarians deserve to have a decent meal every single day.
Episode #3: Health and Healing
It has been nearly a decade and a half since the DI hired its on-site nurse, since that day in 2007 our Health Services team has grown to encompass more than a dozen staff. This group is a critical extension of our case management services, and we couldn’t do it without them.
“The Health Services team are very compassionate individuals and fierce advocates for our clients,” explains Danielle, Senior Manager, Health Services. “While we provide basic services like wound care or referrals, the biggest job they do is see people – hear them, listen, and provide a safe place to be.”
Episode #4: Finding Home for Everyone
In the final entry of our 60th Anniversary video series, we wanted to focus on what housing truly means. We spoke with Tianna, our supported-living case manager at the Greenview Rise Building, who told us the story of reconnecting a client with his son.
In the last year, the DI has coached and liaised with more than 400 Calgarians, helping them find their home. Yet, there’s still so much more to be done. Join our mission by getting involved with us today — learn how!
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